Electronic cigarettes, the pro’s and cons and the bits that they don’t want you to know!

I really want to cherry pick the relevant and profound bits from my research, but alas I will not, and I urge all readers to use the reference links below to research and discover all points of view.

For now however, this is my view….


Electronic cigarettes, the pro’s and cons and the bits that they don’t want you to know!


If you can’t tell your vaper from your vampire or do not know what an ecig is or how it is made/works then please read this:



Given all those facts (even though apparently nobody knows) These are my personal views :


YES – More testing and research is most definitely needed, even though all preliminary reports are grossly pro-health compared to smoking.

YES – Advertising such smoking cessation aids should not be allowed for the sake of ‘normalising smoking’ or ‘glamourising’ a new trend regardless of age interpreted market.

YES – PG, propylene glycol and VG, vegetable glycerin (main ingredients to eliquid mixed with flavour and nicotine) are indeed found in everyday foods.

YES – E-liquid solutions in their liquid form are hazardous to humans and animals (only due to the pure nicotine content) Bottles should be clearly labeled with child proof caps and stored appropriately, just like kitchen cleaners or paracetamol or chocolate!

YES – The big tobacco industries are hedging their bets given the numbers of vapers that are converted ex-smokers by becoming the biggest suppliers of the ecig! (Recently there have been a huge amount of big deal proposals from a seemingly, very worried group of big boys within the industry!) 

NO – To any mainstream advertising! Any smoker that looks to quit will make the necessary research when they are ready!! If our local GP’s are more informed and on board, people will get advice regardless of inability to access information.

NO – Nicotine is not a harmful drug, although it is highly addictive it is not responsible for the side effects of smoking illnesses, and apart from the addictive-ness can be related to similar drugs like caffeine (even though that is addictive too)

NO – There is NO second hand effects from being within the same contained atmosphere as someone who is vaping! (The sooner people realise this the better!)

NO – Children under 18 should not be allowed to purchase ecigs.


Surely BEFORE jumping on any bandwagon, the government should think about the implications on the national death statistics, let alone the health care regime and budget!? If, for example the government banned or even tried to regulate to extremes the sale or use of ecigs, a recent survey announced by BBC Newsnight‘ stated that many more people would die within the year due to cigarette smoking! Then there is that ugly word….TAX! Tory peer Matt Ridley commented regarding ecigarettes and has tweeted “Taxing shouldn’t be about encouraging or discouraging certain things

You can bet that if this trend of vaping carries on with the statistical implications that are projected, the government will just have to find a way to cash in on it!

I am saddened to realise that as a 36yr old and after 22 years of constant smoking and then giving up with the use of ecigs, I now find myself in another battle of bureaucracy and red tape. This time, my battle is not with myself or the fact that I am doing harm to me or my children, I was always in the wrong back then. My battle now is the continuous need to inform and educate others without the knowledge of ecigs due to lack of informative facts and research.


I KNOW – Ecigs are much safer for me than smoking a real cigarette!

I KNOW – My children ADMIRE that I have given up smoking!

I KNOW – I feel better physically!

I KNOW – I feel so very much better emotionally!


I have only scraped the surface with all this and I wish I could devote more time to this cause, but after being a Mum, having a job, training for a new qualification, oh…..and giving up smoking because I now use an electronic cigarette…I have fought long and hard to be where I am right now! I do not need uneducated people led by blind politicians to ‘sector’ me once more! I have been there and as an informed adult, I do not require your input further!











( Worth pointing out Page 2 point no 3)



My views on gun control in the U.S.A

This is my view on Gun control in America for anyone that cares to read it.

Americans have a deep distrust of government; call it genetic makeup if you like.

Never have I been so incensed or driven on a topic like Gun control within the USA.

I am not a prolific tweeter, troller, activist,pain in the arse, but a happy Mother of two children living in a quaint town in the West Country UK.

‘Naïve’ I hear you calling. ‘No REAL world experience’ I hear you say. Yes, you would be right in assuming those things. I haven’t had to deal with horrible and soul destroying things that many Americans have had to deal with, whether that be in history or today. I did however live in Nigeria for three years back in the eighties, and witnessed terrifying things involving guns, knives, coos and corruption.

So I start very simply by saying, If you are willing to fight for your second amendment, allow me the decency to use your first! This little voice from the depths of the English countryside has a right (albeit from across the pond)  to air her views. This should not be classed as an inflammatory or extraneous, (otherwise known as trolling) neither should it be classed as an attack on any Organisation, Government, political party or individual. If you disagree, you are more than welcome to stop reading now.

I have taken the time to research all statistics, from the UK, USA and other countries, including the FBI, The US Department of Justice and the UK Home Office, involving gun crime, violent crime, murders, manslaughter, accidental deaths and suicide rates.

I have taken the time to watch videos posted by both pro gun and anti gun lobbyists. I have also watched American news channels when recent incidents have happened.

I have taken the time to read many differing views, whether that be on Facebook, Twitter, Blogs or News reports.

I have taken the time to personally listen to people’s opinions, both from the UK and USA.

Now I’m going to say something that will most probably shock you. Even after reading, collating and surmising all those facts, I still don’t know the difference between a hand gun and an assault rifle, apart of course from their physical shape.

The plain truth is that I personally really don’t care how many bullets a gun holds, or how rapid they fire.

What I do care about however, are the innocent lives that are stolen directly due to the misuse of these weapons. Now I hear you saying ‘Guns don’t kill, people do’… Agree. Humans, especially those of an unstable mental nature tend to use whatever they come across to commit their crimes. Sometimes, even a perfectly ‘normal’ ‘socially acceptable’ person will commit such a heinous crime as murder. For the latter we cannot ever stop these people from using guns/knives/bombs/cars etc as their choice of weapon. This is an unfortunate trait of our human race and society as it is today, no matter where you are in the world. Ask yourself this though, If guns were made illegal, the criminals will probably still have them yes, just like any unlawful drug or action we would expect from such people, but it would make it more difficult to get them. If guns were made illegal, the accessibility for those mentally unstable would be greatly diminished. How about if we try to tackle the situation in the first instance? Wouldn’t it be a lot easier to target these people and sort the law abiding citizens from the rubbish once and for all? Then we wouldn’t have these arguments about guessing who is going to use their gun lawfully? We do have to take into consideration those that hold guns legally and yes you may feel like your losing a limb. You may also feel like you will surrender your rights and your safety. Surely, if you can make the world or your country a better place you would do it?

This is where I say that I am so ashamed of my own country for the violent crime rates it produces. I was in fact appalled by the statistics that it questioned my choices as a Mother with regards to the control of my own children. Again, and quite frankly I’m pleased, that I have to point out that we are somewhat sheltered due to our demographics. I also live in a region that has a lot of regulated firearms due to the nature of the countryside. Even my next door neighbour has guns that he uses for shoots regularly. I have myself been to varied shooting events organised by corporate ‘jollies’ which I thoroughly enjoyed. This however does not give me the desire to go out and buy a gun myself, for sport or protection. In fact it does quite the opposite, I would feel scared to have a gun in the house, especially a house with children and especially given the numerous ways that accidents could happen or possibilities of something going very wrong. Even when guns are stored safely under lock and key there is always a possibility they could get into the wrong hands.

I just know that you are going to talk about protecting yourself, and yes, you are right, but if gun ownership wasn’t so prolific you wouldn’t feel the need to use them for protection!  It really doesn’t take a genius to work out that less guns = less gun crime.

On this note I do have to point out that across the USA, State by State gun laws compared to gun crimes are often quoted as being detrimental. After looking State by State and cross referencing the stats I can see why this is happening, but I also understand that not only are these figures consistent with issues such as demographics and social situations but that certain States are being overlooked. I believe they call that ‘Cherry picking’. Personally I would never choose California as a place to live!

Another bold statement I feel I need to make is that all these statistics do not include accidental deaths or suicide by firearms.

‘In the U.S. for 2010, there were 31,513 deaths from firearms, distributed as follows by mode of death: Suicide 19,308; Homicide 11,015; Accident 600.’

So many of all gun related deaths in the USA  are suicide, this I believe is a figure that is definitely in need of tackling, Whether that be through social or mental health care OR the accessibility to these weapons. I believe in both.

Then there is the issue of drugs and ‘gang culture’

‘Despite the propaganda from the gun control lobby, criminals in general and drug dealers in particular are the group of so-called children most likely to be shot by their fellow criminals. You can verify this by reading the local gun death news stories in any city newspaper. School shootings are so rare that everyone gets national television coverage, but drug dealers are shot so often that they are barely mentioned in their local newspaper.’

We will always have an underbelly of criminals in this world who will make it their business to aquire arms regardless of law, but just imagine for one moment if the accessibility and ease of acquiring such arms was made more difficult?

If the people of America continue to hold dear their right to bear arms, others connected to those people will still have access to guns. That may be your Son who throws a fruit loop due to hormones.

I truly believe that accessibility is the key here. If you can’t get hold of the guns and you are determined to do damage to others, then you are going to get a knife and do as much damage as you can with that weapon. Truth is, you could never get away with as many murders wielding a knife as you could a gun.

This all brings me to one conclusion; do I wish to be part of this culture? No.

I do however see that as an American you have had your rights instilled upon you from the amendments made by you forefathers.

Ask yourself the questions. Be true to yourself without blinded ignorance, and most of all think about how many children’s lives you just might save in the future!

I would never wish to force my opinions on anyone. This is just me and how I feel.

s@ndz x